What We Do

Investing in our 21st century Library to Enhance Verona’s Quality of Life

The Verona Public Library Foundation enriches our community by raising funds to enhance the Library’s programs and services. The Foundation solicits gifts and grants used primarily for establishing an Endowment, funding future capital improvements, and underwriting certain non-operating library enhancements outside the scope of the municipality-funded budget. The Foundation provides additional funding to supplement, not replace, public funding. All programming offered by the Library is provided by fundraising and donations. Library Programming is not included in the Municipal Budget.

The Verona Public Library Foundation was established in 2022 as a result of the goals set forth in the library’s latest strategic plan. The Foundation will fund projects and initiatives that support the goals outlined in the strategic plan through grants, donations and planned giving.

Fundraising Goals

Expand Technology & Resources

Support Learning & Cultural Enrichment

Establish an Endowment

Fund Special Events & Projects

For 2023-2025, the Foundation aims to provide the Library with the following:

  • mobile laptop lab for technology classes
  • future staff computer replacement
  • technology programming, including Robotics, Python coding, 3D printing, and basic Internet and email skills
  • databases, including Morningstar Investment Research Center, Value Line Research Center, Rosetta Stone, LinkedIn Learning
  • digital New York Times and Wall Street Journal subscriptions
  • language classes
  • health & wellness programs
  • financial literacy program
  • summer reading kickoff event
  • author visits